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THE SUNDAY EDIT VOL. 98 | Being a Kind Customer



Words By: Arcy Hawks

An interaction or rather a noninteraction, recently spurred the idea for this Sunday Edit as do most of our conversations or in store experiences typically do.

It was nothing that maybe anyone else would think twice about but nonetheless it made an impact on us.  It was a busy day with people walking in and out of the shop.   We noticed that most did not acknowledge us or even return the Hello which we offered. Some on their phones having loud conversations, then looking over at us and pointing to a piece of clothing as if we knew telepathically what they wanted.  Most proceed to shuffle out with out a thank you or goodbye as we offered a thank you for coming in.

Some might say, you are a service worker and that’s part of your job.  To those, I say please don’t shop at Habits. 

Yes, we are a service shop in only the most basic sense as we are also a place to gather, visit, see the latest in fashion, and enjoy an afternoon.  It’s an intimate shop and I think maybe that is a bit intimidating for some. 

There are people who believe we are just there to be barked at, to be a tourist information center, a restaurant advisor, to provide a bathroom or to hand their drink over to disposed of. While I don’t mind asking questions about our town, I like it much better when that person says Hello first and thank you.

I had one person walk in, did not say excuse me or hello, just pointed to a pair of shoes in the window ask me can I see those in my size.  First, which shoes, and second I don’t know your size.  When I asked politely, which shoes? they pointed again those. All the time seemingly quite irritated that they had to wait for me to go retrieve the shoe.  The tried them on, made an off hand comment about the price and walked out.  Not even a thank you.  I have also had people walk in go straight up to the counter and ask if I have jeans in their size. Without looking or saying hello or any other information.

I am very aware that we have special pieces with matching special price tags.  I also am aware that these pieces are not for everyone. I don’t walk into Chanel and scoff at a price and proceed to ask why or comment on it. I realize this is the price you pay for living in a tourist town and owning a very special shop in the center of town.  But a little kindness and respect for the shop staff goes along way.  You might just get a great tip on a local eatery, you might learn something about a brand, or you might have a giggle with us. 

If I were to give my tips on being a kind consumer it would be this:

Say Hello when you walk in the door.

Say good by and thank you when you leave.

If you try on something and it doesn’t work hang it up and if it’s inside out please turn it right    side out.

Ask questions about brands, we love to talk about them. 

Don’t be shy about asking for help if we seem a bit distracted we will put whatever we are doing down and be at your service. 


Words By: Milli Dawson

There are many tasks that come with being a Sales Associate. Cleaning, organizing, merchandising, steaming, unpacking, folding, selling, smiling, and most importantly being helpful. Throughout the day, Sales Associates have to be “on”. This means saying hi, being active, and kind, offering a helpful hand, and unfortunately, tolerating many negative comments.

Comments we hear daily are:

“Look how much this costs, “scoff & laugh with companions”.

“How much does this cost?” (without looking at the price tag just assuming we know all prices).

“Guess how much this jacket is?” (To their friends).

Additionally, some folks just run in to ask us where the nearest bathroom, grocery store, or coolest store is near us. This can be a bit insulting when we have our smiles on and are actively trying to be helpful to our store.

Behaviors as above are hurtful and a bit exhausting as we have to not only be “on” but we are proud of the place we work and often feel as if we have to defend it when these comments are said.

Habits is a unique place in Jackson. Nothing about it is touristy or “normal”. We know this but we are also trying to work on knowing that not everyone who walks in this store will feel that way. So how do we become more courteous as customers? My favorite kind of tourist is someone who walks curiously around the shop and knows that is isn’t their kind of store but they always say “thank you, this is a lovely store”.

Saying hello, thank you, and goodbye goes really far. If someone walks in with a positive attitude and acknowledges us as human beings, I already love them and feel more inclined to help or answer questions. Being a self-sufficient customer and checking price tags yourself, seeing if your size is available and out on the floor, as well as politely asking questions helps any associate out.

When traveling, it is good to keep these reminders close. We live in a touristy town, people visit, and expect great service, excellent shopping, good food, etc. When we all escape our little town and head to Mexico, Hawaii, and all the warm touristy spots and we become the tourists we get a taste of our own medicine. The best advice I can give is to treat anyone providing or giving a service to you with respect and kindness. Odds are, they are one of the hardest workers in the room.

With all this being said, I believe that Habits has some of the best customers. I am always flattered when customers remember my name, ask me about myself, and take the time to have a conversation with me. A special shout out to Kim Pezzeminti, Katie Wiener, Michele Heaton, Denise Rosenbluth, Danielle Parazette, Maya Frodeman, Mary Feldman, Ilene Garber, Jackie Goldstein, Kim Gilette, and there are so many more. I feel so grateful for amazing customers and people who actively choose to be kind, thoughtful, and curious when chatting with me.


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