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THE SUNDAY EDIT VOL. 94 | Personal Style

THE SUNDAY EDIT VOL. 94 | Personal Style


Everyone has their own experience in life and that inherently impacts the way we dress. How should we navigate trends, our preference, and timeless aesthetics?


Words By: Milli Dawson

As a “Zellinial,” I often encounter an influx of trendiness on my feed, on my friends’ feeds, and on my Pinterest page. It feels like there is a new trend every single week. I must admit that now and then, I get trapped in the trend web. I’ve purchased sambas, ballet flats, and a few tiny tops that fall into the latest “happenings.”

I would say that my style has always been quite feminine and classic but is unexpectedly complemented with a funky pop or element. For example, I am very drawn to dresses, skirts, and classic silhouettes like a tight, small top with a big skirt or baggy jeans. I try to mix and match the things that I am drawn to. If I wear a very masculine pair of pants, I will add a super feminine or girly blouse to offset the boyish feel. A classic element of “Milli’s Style” is an excellent loafer or a funky shoe with a cute sock. This is a staple I have probably been wearing since the 9th grade.

 If I find a trend that I love, I will try to mix that into my existing wardrobe. I never buy into the entire trend. For example, let’s look into “Ballet Core”. I grew up doing ballet for many years, and I feel like an element of “Ballet Core” has been integrated into my wardrobe for years. Last year, I was dying for a ballet flat when the newest trends came around. Instead of falling into the Miu Miu, branded, very “Ballet Shoe” ballet shoes, I purchased the Jamie Haller flat. What sets 

this shoe apart from other Ballet Flats? It is not trying to fit into the trend. Jamie Haller made a beautiful, classic, well-done flat that will always be in style. I genuinely feel like I will have those shoes for the majority of my life because they are classic, not trendy.

It isn’t easy to put blinders on and ignore the trends around us. I think the best way to take on trends is to integrate them into your wardrobe with cleverness. Add it as a fun pop but not as the dominating part of your outfit. Don’t let the trend wear you!


Words By: Arcy Hawks

Influencers, TikTok, and social media seem to have strong opinions on what you should wear. 

While we also gently suggest items or looks via our Fits section or photo shoots, we think most clients like to think for themselves. Habits does not exist under a rock without these outside influences. We choose which are wearable with longevity.

If you or we had not looked into these style trends, we would all still be wearing loincloths or corsets(which, by the way, were a trend that I am glad had no longevity).

So, here’s where personal style comes into play. I am partial to Men’s wear. I have for quite some time, and if you are a frequent flyer at Habits, you know I have had blazers, trousers, and suits in some iteration in the shop for the last five years or so. I LOVE a good blazer. I love a good pair of trousers and an excellent menswear-inspired shoe. But to wear them all at once without some nod to my feminine side would be a bit much. On one occasion, my daughter told me that I looked like a very dapper Japanese man. It was an ultimate compliment, but maybe not something I wanted.

The menswear trend is still going strong, and my style would be to wear a blazer over a full taffeta skirt, a pair of trousers with a silk blouse, a graphic tee, or a fitted button-up.

Trends come and go, and the key is deciphering what will work with your style without looking like an ad in Harper’s Bazaar.

Keep up with what’s happening, but use your best judgment on how that fits into your existing wardrobe and buy the pieces that suit your style rather than the ones that don’t. One trend that I know is not my personal style is bows. I won’t be wearing them in my hair, shoes, or neck unless, of course, they are the necktie to my vintage Yves St. Laurent silk blouse








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