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THE SUNDAY EDIT VOL. 105 | High Altitude Gardening

High Altitude Gardening

Thoughts and tips from experts on how to garden and landscape in our tricky environment.

Pains and gains of gardening in the tetons

Words By: Arcy Hawks

How to garden in our valley: With such a short season, variable weather, and snow piles that last longer than Teepee Glacier, we hardy gardeners persist.

Having lived in this valley for about 40 years, one thing is certain: Summer comes in full force and makes the best of its short-lived season.  It’s like Mother Nature found her crayon box and just went for it.  We go from mud season, snow drifts,  bare trees, and empty flowerbeds to the most vibrant greens in what seems like an instant.  The first signs that we are thawing out are the abundance of daffodils springing up around town.  A favorite among local gardeners for its durability, resistance to hungry deer and that cheerful pop of color we are craving around this time.

I am not an expert gardener or even a well seasoned novice.  I have planted my fair share of flower beds and through trial and error have a very basic formula. I plant Shasta Daisies, Salvia, Daylilies,and snow in summer.  It’s pretty basic and these plants have not let me down.

Lately, though, I feel I need to expand my repertoire.  Selfishly, this edit is my way of picking the brains of some very talented local gardeners. 

Now let’s relate this to fashion and style. My gardening “wardrobe” is like a capsule collection. It works well together, it’s timeless, and it’s a great base for other pieces or plants. I want to expand on the basics and bring a more stylish look to my garden and containers. 

Container gardening is probably the most fun because you don’t have to worry about the climate as much, and you can use so many varieties.  They bloom all summer and are easy to create. I also need help in that department.

There are also trends in gardening: meadows, living walls, pollinator gardens, rewilding your area, and creating a mini ecosystem. Some of these trends might not be your style, but like fashion, a small dip into one of these trends could be interesting. And hey, if it doesn’t work, you can always replant next year.

We spoke to a few experts, Hilary Cantu of A New Leaf Gardern Design, and Maile Rhenberg of JH landscape Design, I am hoping to get some great advice and can’t wait to get my hands dirty. I hear digging in the dirt is also beneficial to your mental health. Mycobacterium Vaccae is a soil bacteria that can trigger the brain’s production of serotonin. 

So here’s to getting our hands dirty, trying something new, and learning more about our valley’s eco climate.


Interviews with local garden experts

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