This past year has been a little crazy for the world, so this holiday season we are taking a step beck and remembering why we get together to celebrate. Friends, family, and good times is what the holidays should be about.
Words by Arcy Hawks
First, I would like to wish everyone a wonderful Holiday, whether it is Christmas, Hanukah, Kwanza, Holy Day, or Yule. Maybe you are more secular. Whatever your affiliation, this time of year has an emotional and spiritual connection. It is a time of reflection, to look back at the year and contemplate.
This has been a struggle of a year. Not just personally but in a global sense. The world seems to be in a battle. A battle of conscience. We seem to have lost our way to humanity.
Whatever you believe in terms of religion, it seems to me the one common thread is humanity. Kindness, respect, and, above all, doing unto others as you would have others do unto you. This golden rule seems to be out of reach for so many.
I have visited with so many lovely people during this holiday week and I have so much faith in our humanity.
I wish all of you a very wonderful and happy holiday.

“Traditional celebrations of holidays has been around as long as recorded history. Holiday traditions are an important part to building a strong bond between family, and our community. They give us a sense of belonging and a way to express what is important to us. They connect us to our history and help us celebrate generations of family.”
- psychcentral

Words by Cade Hawks
This year it feels difficult to get into the Holiday spirit as the world seems to be suffering. People all over are struggling financially and of course the turmoil abroad. There is so much negativity right now, hopefully we can focus on what he have in our present lives, and what we can do to help. It feels almost guilty to celebrate with everything going on, but maybe giving energy to hope will help get us through the next year.
It is important to not let the state of the world determine your head space. If we want to keep pushing forward, we also have to take care of ourselves. We can’t make a difference in the world if we can’t make a difference in our own lives. So this holiday season lets take a second to reflect on what we are grateful for, and what little things we can do to make a difference.
The holidays are a time to reflect, relax, and be with friends and family. For my family, Christmas has always been about being surrounded by loved ones. We give gifts, but it’s not the main focus of our celebration. We always make a big dinner on Christmas Eve, and wake up the next morning and exchange gifts. Christmas day isn’t a big celebration for us, one of the longest-lasting traditions we have is skiing during Christmas. Most people are at home so the ski resort is quiet. Making for a peaceful, fairly relaxing celebration.