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Every day is Women's day.

Every day is Women's day.

Today is the International Day of Woman.  What a year it's been for woman all over the world.  

Spain elects the highest number of female ministers, Women in Saudi Arabia can now legally drive, the Nobel peace prize was given to Nadia Murad, who was captured by ISIS, and advocates for victims of rape and sex trafficking, and  Kristi Noem became the first female governor in South Dakota. 

Women broke records in the US midterms and shattered many glass ceilings.

 Habits supports quite a few female designers and entrepreneurs.  We are an all-woman team photographing, Instagramming, and working with our lovely clients, who are also role models as female entrepreneurs, gallery owners, lawyers, art advocates, architects, doctors, and moms keeping it all together. 

Most of the collections we carry are created by uber talented women designers.  Lindy McDonough of Lotuff leather, Ali Blankley of Hazel Brown, Noriko Machada of Chimala, Audrey McLoughlin of Frank and Eileen, Yukari Suda of Pas De Calais, Stella Ishi of 6397, Lisa Walker of Revival Jackson Hole, Christy Lea Payne of CLP Jewelry, Rachel Comey , Katharine Hamnett,  Raquel Allegra, Lena Skadegard, Dawn Bryfogle, Alison Taylor of Sula, Scosha Wooldrige of Scosha, Ariana Bousssard, Clare V., Maria Rudman, Rosa Maria, Janessa Leone, Lola Erlich of Lola Hats and Sveta of Pip Squeak.  

As we head into 2019, I hope this momentum continues and we make bigger strides in many ways.  Not just through the legislature, but within ourselves to be heard and to step out of the toxic beauty culture that makes so many of us feel inadequate. 

Because girl, that nonsense is a waste of time. 

"I matter I matter equally.  Not 'if only, not'as long as', I matter.  Full. Stop."

Chimamanda Adichi, Nigerian writer. 

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