There are a few social media creators out there that really resonate with Habits and our style. This Sunday we want to share with you a few of our favorites.
Creators Vs. Influencers
Influencers in my opinion rarely offer anything creative. They give you endless selfies about a life created just for social likes and corporate payouts. They distract you from reality and make everyone feel like their own lives are sadly lacking. They try and influence our choices, our taste, and sadly sometimes our politics. Creators on the other hand offer their own life openly without apologies. Their unique perspective on things fashion, music, and the arts.
I don’t follow too many influencers but I do love to follow creators who make me think, aspire, and genuinely laugh out loud.
This Sunday edit shows off our favorite Creators and why they are on our short list. I hope you find someone in this list that speaks to you as much as they speak to us. These creators are Habits Style.
Matt Booshell recently was named a Creator to Watch. I love his rantings on all things New York. How he takes a simple subject like outdoor dining structures and turns into a monologue that resonates with such hilarity and verbal visuals that you see what he is talking about. I love it!
Marzena Jarczak explores Paris in the way I would like to see a city. By Neighborhood, Artists, and Architecture. She is the ultimate guide to the city of lights with her historical references as well.
A must watch if you are taking a trip to France or have an interest in Art. Marzena visits lesser known museums, follows the path of french artists past and present and currently has a series on Vogue going behind the scenes of the artworld in Paris.
Lucinda Chambers, former fashion director at British Vogue and creative director at Colville, is a style icon for me. Her intuitive sense of style and creativity is inspiring. While the pattern play and bright colors are not always my style or Habits Style, the mix and the way she puts things together are wonderful. I love her artful take on her home and her styling videos are a great learning tool. Lucinda Chambers is Habits Style. She is independent, has her own vision and thinks for herself.
Ryo Takashima is one of the few influencers I follow. His style is top tier, and a go to account for finding the best pants that no one knows about. He is based in Japan and works with a bunch of lowkey designers, including The Clesste, and Plus 81. If you need good inspiration for how to dress in baggy clothes, Ryo is your guy.
In modern days, we are constantly being fed so much information and inspiration daily on our feeds. Influencers, artists, creatives, engagement posts, baby announcements, politics, and random thoughts. It can be hard to filter through the crap and focus on truly what inspires you in a positive tone.
At Habits, we constantly search for inspiration as this is what we do: gather inspiration and bring back our findings to Jackson Hole. Although it is easy to get wrapped up in the daily filled feed, we do our best to find others that positively impact us and our inspiration.
We search for aesthetic feeds, minimal selfies, and a page full of texture, good fits, or hilarious memes. Every time I am looking for inspiration, I head to @okdeon ‘s page to gather color info and an overall aesthetic. Uniform Display and Poppy Almond also are great for outfit inspiration. There are influencers I have felt connected to since I was in High School like @figny her colors, aesthetic, and ability to show movement in her outfits are a constant source of inspiration.
We live in an interesting time where being an influencer has become normal. Everyone in my generation is constantly snapping photos of food before we eat it, checking insta to see what our friends are up to, and filling each other’s feed with the romanticized and fake version of our life. Social Media and creators are fun for the purpose of finding new ideas and inspiration but it is also important to remember it is all an illusion. We are much more than the 200+ images define us as on instagram.
I don’t really pay much attention to influencer’s, or that many people on Instagram to be honest. I like to follow brands and artists that are doing truly unique things. I love researching and finding the most low key, beautiful things that no one knows about. An example is LR3. They are a slow fashion brand that puts emphasis on dressing how you want regardless of who you are. Their clothes come in one size and fit a very broad range of people. Its super baggy, sustainable, and basically if art was clothes. Its inspiring to say the least. I also follow Yuthanan, the owner of the Japanese brand Sillage. His curation and taste is exceptional, definitely give him a follow if you want to discover some amazing people and things you have never heard of. One last example is Eye C Magazine. The Tokyo based publication has continuously released amazing photo shoots, working with some exceptional brands. They are great not only for outfit research, but to discover new companies, and to see how a photo-journalistic approach to clothing shoots can change the feel of a brand so drastically.
Based in Japan, Yuthanan has curated a very inspiring feed. His knowledge of design allows him to dive deep into craftsmanship and discover hard to find artists. He also owns the brand, Sillage. Inspired by the world, and based in Japan. Sillage and Yuthanan are sure to help you discover something new.
“An online platform and a physical publication based in Tokyo focusing on providing coverage and news on fashion and culture through articles and different forms of original content such as editorials, features and interviews”.
Eye C Mag is a great publication. They have amazing photoshoots and work with some fantastic brands. To say they are inspiring is an understatement.